Advanced silk-painting techniques and consultation for experienced silk painters. The time and content of this course can be negotiated.
As painters we often find ourselves reaching a plateau in our work, when we can feel we are stuck. These one-to-one workshops are tailor-made to meet your needs and give you the opportunity to discuss and evaluate your work with Mandy. They are designed to help you identify your strengths and areas for development. Mandy offers practical help with areas of difficulty and new techniques and approaches.
Advanced techniques include: achieving realism through use of tone; using complementary colours to make your paintings 'sing'; working on new silks (chiffons, georgette, satins, velvets etc.); working with discharge and illuminants.
Time: Full day - 10.00am until 4.30pm.
Half day - 10.00am until 1.00pm or 1.30pm until 4.30pm.
Day: Any day of the week - by arrangement.
Price: Personal consultation for full day £250.00
Personal consultation for half day £125.00
Painting: 'Leaves after rain' © Mandy Southan 2006